Why opt for a tote bag made and personalized in France ?
Personalized bags are good, but French personalized bags are better. Indeed, a French bag factory will necessarily be qualitative and above all, we will necessarily be on a reasoned and local production. But all this at a price ! The cost of employees in our country is not the same as in other fabric bag manufacturing countries (Bangladesh, India or China in general). You will therefore inevitably feel the additional cost of French labor on the price of the tote bag you are going to buy.
Made in France tote bags
In order to offer you quality French fabric bags and accessories, we work with a single supplier for our range of tote bags made in France : Bonjour François. With the unequaled transparency of this supplier regarding its manufacturing processes, we are certain that the confection is 100% French. But not only ! Regarding the cotton or recycled organic cotton of French products, it's important to specify that it does not come from Europe because our continent hardly grows any cotton. The cottons used come from several countries in Africa or Asia mainly. But all the other steps : weaving, spinning and making the bags are done in France. All the products used for making (threads and accessories) come from France. And they go even further : the shipping boxes also come from a French supplier ! With our range of French products, we can really speak of a responsible and responsible manufacturing. Solidarity, because the manufacture of accessories is done in specialized establishments of the ESAT type or in establishments for integration. There is a real deployment of these workshops throughout our territory in order to offer tote bags made nearby.
Tote bags personalized in France
How is the tote bag customization going at Mon-Totebag ? Well it's simple, the customization is 100% French. Each customizable printed textile is personalized using an innovative technique : digital printing. This technique allows us to personalize your textile individually or in large quantities without technical costs, without color limit and with quality personalization. The ink we use is recycled and solvent-free. Thanks to this technique, you benefit from a very affordable price for a individually customizable product, unlike other techniques such as screen printing. Do you also want to order a customizable tote bag using digital printing, whether individually or in large quantities ? Order on our site or contact us quickly for a personalized quote and benefit from fast and free delivery of your order with Mon-Totebag.
Our different tote bags made in France
Mon-Totebag has selected two models of French-made tote bags for you to customize : one in cotton and one in recycled organic cotton. Personalize the chosen product directly on our website with a photo, text or logo, thanks to our very easy and fast online customization system. And then enjoy fast and free delivery of your order directly to your home or to a pick-up point.
The 100% cotton Made in France tote bag
Opt for the French-made cotton tote bag. A quality shopping bag with dimensions of 38 x 42 cm, large handles and a weight of 150g. Available in natural color, you can use it for sports, shopping or for the beach during the summer. For you or to offer as a gift to a loved one, this tote bag won't disappoint you thanks to 100% French quality. And above all, you will appreciate its short circuit origin and its manufacture which was carried out thanks to solidarity jobs.
The Made in France tote bag in organic cotton
Discover the French-made organic tote bag. This product is woven, spun and made in our beautiful country. Ecological, organic, recycled cotton... All the terms are good to describe this tote bag with large handles that you can carry by hand or on your shoulder. Handles of about 60cm and very resistant ! For sports, the beach, shopping or as a daily handbag, this natural-coloured organic tote bag won't disappoint you, guaranteed ! A very high quality, an ecological fabric in organic cotton and a nice customization with an image, a photo, text or a logo.
Advertising Made in France tote bags
Do you manage a business and want to order personalized goodies for your communication ? Create qualitative advertising tote bags made in France. Take advantage of quality textile marking with your logo on advertising goodies. Offer attractive gifts to your customers or prospects that correspond to the graphic charter of your company. Communication is something essential to make you known and work on your image so get started quickly and ask for your quote.